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Старый ламповый фонарь Warhammer 40000 40k
2019-04-09 17:08:42
#News_lampPost #Warhammer40k #AoS Осталось недолго до момента выхода последнего из 4-х Великих демонов в виде нового пластикового набора ( "The new Keeper of Secrets is on its way soon – ironically, we’re keeping it’s pre-order date a secret for the moment, so watch this space…) . Поэтому ГВ подготовило статью о Великих демонах Хаоса. Перевод всей статьи задержится, но самую интересную часть про Слаанеш рекомендую почитать - вероятно один из Именных будет в кодексе: "Хранители Секретов Высокие, многорукие, существа невероятной силы - это Величайшие демоны Слаане. Несмотря на размер, их неестественная скорость позволяет им с размаха косить и уничтожать целые ряды врагов, а в случае особенных протвников - используются точные и мгновенные удары элегентными клинками. Они подчиняют гедонистические легионы демонов Слаанеш своей прихоти и ведут в бой. Будучи самым молодым богом Хаоса, вызванным всего лишь тысячелетия назад, падением расы Эльдар у него возникла естественная вражда с самым старым богом пантеона - Кхорном. Именно высокомерие Темного принца, стало причиной зарождения Величайший демонов Слаанеш, считают ученые Ордо Маллеус. Там где Кровожады Кхорна изливают сырую физическую энергию и боевую мощь, Хранители Секретов наоборот гибкие и невозможно быстрые - при этом столь же смертельные, поскольку им достаточно всего лишь одного, но смертельного удара по противнику. И каждый раз, очередная победа своего фаворита над Великими демонами других богов приносит неописуемое наслаждение Слаанеш. Заракниель Приносящий Пытки Один из самых могущественных Демонов Слаанеш. Предпочитает разорять и нападать на Экзодитские миры Эльдар, с жадностью поглощая их камни душ и превращая поколения заточенных эльдар в игрушки для Темного принца Шалакси Хэлбэйн (претендент на именного Грейтера в кодексе) Неоспоримый чемпион боевых искусств, чья специализация в уничтожении Великих демонов остальных богов Хаоса, особенно Кровожадов Кхорна, в чем он сильно преуспел и поговаривают, что однажды он побил самого Скарбранда (тоже мне достижение - они просто не видели моих ДК с молотками на чардже) Кирис Изменчивый В мимолетный момент альянса Богов Хаоса, Кирис в союзе с Кровожадом Кабандой, участвовал в кампании Сигнус Прайма и неудачной попытки совращении примарха Кровавых Ангелов - Сангвиния." https://www.warhammer-community.com/2019/04/09/grim-dark-corners-greater-daemons-of-chaos/ "Grim Dark Corners: Greater Daemons of Chaos It’s not long until the last of the four Greater Daemons – the Keeper of Secrets – joins its peers in the form of an incredible new plastic kit. If you dare, read on to learn the secrets of these fearsome Daemons of Chaos in our latest foray into Warhammer 40,000’s darkest (and grimmest) lore… Greater Daemons are the mightiest creatures of the warp, blessed with the greatest measure of their infernal masters’ power. Only the Daemon Primarchs can rival the Greater Daemons in the esteem of their unholy patron. Each Greater Daemon is tasked with command of one of the immaterium’s myriad daemonic legions. Only the truly insane, or those with incorruptible hearts, could hope to understand the true nature of such Daemons – it is with good reason that the Grey Knights keep the truth behind their existence a closely guarded secret… Despite being manifestations of the Chaos God who created them, the Greater Daemons possess a will that far transcends the lesser Daemons they command, and each has its own quirks, nuances and aspirations. Whether goaded by a rival Chaos God or through their own greed and ambition, some Greater Daemons even harbour desires that directly contradict the plans of their master. The infamous Bloodthirster, Skarbrand – once the most favoured of his kind – took this notion to a whole new level when his insatiable rage saw him strike the Blood God with his axe, only to be exiled and hurled through time and space by Khorne’s volcanic wrath. Bloodthirsters, the Greater Daemons of Khorne As the mightiest of Khorne’s Daemons, Bloodthirsters are the epitome of war and death and the leaders of his legions. Each Bloodthirster leads a cohort of eight units of lesser Daemons such as Bloodletters, Bloodcrushers, Flesh Hounds and Skull Cannons, but in turn, serves as part of a rigid military structure in one of eight such cohorts under the command of a Bloodthirster of a higher tier. There are eight such tiers – known as Hosts – within the ranks of Khorne’s armies, and the Greater Daemons are titled according to their rank. Greater Daemons of the Eighth Host are known as Bloodthirsters of Unfettered Fury, while those of the First Host are known as Exalted Bloodthirsters and are the eight deadliest of their kind. This organisation of Khorne’s daemonic legions means that his active Bloodthirsters actually number in the millions – not to mention those bound within Daemon weapons or mighty engines of war such as Lords of Skulls. Mercifully, the laws of reality mean that it would be all but impossible for even a fraction of that number to exist within realspace at once, but the Great Game played between (or more accurately, fought between) the Chaos Gods ensures that the pent-up fury of Khorne’s Bloodthirsters is never wasted. Arch-slaughterers of Khorne An’ggrath the Unbound As an Exalted Bloodthirster of the First Host, An’ggrath is one of the eight largest and most powerful of all Bloodthirsters, able to cut down even a God-Machine of the Adeptus Titanicus with a few well-placed blows from his monstrous axe. Ka’bandha, Bane of Angels Another of Khorne’s Exalted Bloodthirsters, Ka’bandha’s fate became forever entwined with that of the Blood Angels when the Greater Daemon fought their Primarch, Sanguinius, on Signus Prime, and again for control of the Eternity Gate during the Siege of the Emperor’s Palace. Skarbrand, the Exiled One Though banished from the Blood God’s daemonic legions, Skarbrand serves his master still through acts of apocalyptic violence wherever he roams, though whether he does so from blind rage or a willingness to seek redemption in his master’s eyes remains unclear. Lords of Change, the Greater Daemons of Tzeentch Lords of Change are the embodiment of warp energy and magic, able to freely manipulate its limitless power to summon illusory cantrips, mutate flesh or incinerate their foes with blasts of scintillating warpflame. Each commands one of Tzeentch’s daemonic hosts and vies with their rivals for preeminence in the Great Schemer’s favour. They also take great delight in corrupting and distorting the carefully prepared strains of plague and disease created by Great Unclean Ones, mirroring Tzeentch’s disgust with the ordered cycle of life so favoured by Nurgle. When not actively weaving the fates of mortals in accordance with their master’s plans, Lords of Change guard Tzeentch’s Impossible Fortress. Only the incalculable mind of a Lord of Change possesses the knowledge to traverse its labyrinthine corridors, and many a Greater Daemon of Tzeentch’s rivals has been lost within it, cursed to suffer eternal imprisonment. At the heart of its maze-like interior lies the Hidden Library, the source of all Tzeentch’s knowledge and power, where his Lords of Change plot against their master’s enemies – and each other – with unfathomable deviousness. Masters of Manipulation Aetaos’rau’keres, the Slayer of Souls Aetaos’rau’keres is an Exalted Lord of Change and one of the most formidable of Tzeentch’s Greater Daemons. However, as a precaution against potential treachery, Tzeentch fettered his chosen pawn’s will to such an extent that little is left save a spiteful desire to unleash his wrath on mortals. M’kachen Ever since his first fateful encounter and ultimate defeat at the hands of Brother-Captain Stern, M’kachen has avowed to devour the Grey Knight’s soul and had engineered a number of devious plots to ensure his demise. Thus far, Stern has thwarted his nemesis at every turn, but his luck surely cannot hold out forever, and time is one thing M’kachen has in limitless supply… Kairos Fateweaver, Oracle of Tzeentch After being cast into the Well of Eternity by his master, Kairos Fateweaver somehow survived the ordeal. However, when he finally re-emerged, his head had divided into two, one of which always spoke the truth and the other a lie. Yet so invaluable is the knowledge that can be gleaned from his mutterings that nine times nine other Lords of Change are tasked with the sole purpose of recording them. Great Unclean Ones, the Greater Daemons of Nurgle Great Unclean Ones are more like their infernal master in both image and character than any other Greater Daemons. They are bulbous, jovial characters who treat the plagues they spread to the mortal masses as a genuine gift, for by becoming infected, their victims are receiving the blessings of Nurgle that are freely given – how kind! As embodiments of Nurgle’s power, Great Unclean Ones constantly evolve according to a gross parody of the cycle of life and will command Tallybands of lesser Daemons dependent on their stage in the process. They start off in a fresh (within Nurglesque parameters, of course) and vibrant form, spreading new plagues at the head of a Fecundus Legion, but end the cycle in a decaying, decomposing state in command of a Necroticus Legion. A Great Unclean One will sometimes band together with two others of its kind to form a Thricefold Befoulment – the tri-lobe sigil of Nurgle writ large on the battlefield – forming a septic spearhead with which to strike at the heart of their enemies. Chosen Plague-givers Scabeiathrax the Bloated One of Nurgle’s Exalted Great Unclean Ones, Scabeiathrax is Lord of the Blighted Pit – a hellish stronghold tasked with spawning entire hosts of foul creatures to serve the Plague God. He bears an enormous cleaver called the Blade of Decay, and its touch is said to be lethal to mortal and Daemon alike. Ku’gath Plaguefather Once a diminutive Nurgling, Ku’gath fell from his master’s shoulders into Nurgle’s great cauldron. After imbibing its foetid contents, he grew into a Great Unclean One whose body hosted the perfect disease. He has since become obsessed with replicating its unique formula, spreading vile plagues across the galaxy through his experiments. Rotigus Rainfather Above the head of the Great Unclean One Rotigus, diseased storm clouds gather, endlessly dousing those in his presence in Nurgle’s Deluge – the Plague God’s generosity and fecundity made manifest in a torrent of filth. Keepers of Secrets The Greater Daemons of Slaanesh are tall, multi-limbed creatures of terrible power. Their size belies an unnatural swiftness that enables them to sweep their long claws through the ranks of their enemies or skewer a chosen foe with a pinpoint strike of their elegant blades in the blink of an eye. They lead the hedonistic hordes of Slaaneshi Daemons, changing their command according to their whimsical moods to match that exemplified by the Legion. As the youngest of the Chaos Gods, awakened millennia ago by the Fall of the Aeldari, Slaanesh became a natural rival to eldest of the pantheon, Khorne. It was the arrogance of the young Dark Prince that the sanctioned scholars of the Ordo Malleus believe led to the creation of the Keepers of Secrets. Where Khorne’s Bloodthirsters exude raw physical strength and martial prowess, the Keepers of Secrets are lithe and impossibly swift – and no less deadly for it, always able to land the first and often fatal blow against their rivals. Each such victory won by a Keeper of Secrets over one of the Blood God’s Greater Daemons – or those of the other Dark Gods – brings indescribably cruel satisfaction to Slaanesh. Cardinals of Sin Zarakynel the Bringer of Torments This towering and murderously powerful Greater Daemon is one of Slaanesh’s Exalted Keepers of Secrets. Zarakynel takes great delight in ravaging the Exodite worlds of the Aeldari, greedily devouring their soulstones to condemn the spirits of the dead to endless torment as the playthings of Slaanesh. Shalaxi Helbane Amongst Slaanesh’s Daemons, the undisputed martial champion is Shalaxi Helbane. Created to fight and defeat rival Greater Daemons – especially those of the Blood God – Shalaxi has bested some of the most formidable adversaries in the galaxy, including, if rumour is to be believed, Skarbrand. Kyriss the Perverse In a rare alliance between the forces of Khorne and Slaanesh, Kyriss the Perverse served as one of the two Daemon lords alongside Ka’bandha on Signus Prime, luring Sanguinius and his Blood Angels Legion into a cataclysmic campaign in a failed attempt to corrupt them. I’m afraid that’s all we can reveal to you about Greater Daemons without risking terminal intervention by the Ordo Malleus. Remember that the Skarbrand, Bloodthirster, Great Unclean One and Lord of Change kits are all available in stores and online now, and you can find all four of the Exalted Greater Daemons on the Forge World website. The new Keeper of Secrets is on its way soon – ironically, we’re keeping it’s pre-order date a secret for the moment, so watch this space…"

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