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Старый ламповый фонарь Warhammer 40000 40k
2020-06-19 11:38:46
#News_lamppost #AoS Раз уж вчера такой день без новостей - то самое время подать солянку. Часть первая. 1) Слухи - Природа очистилась настолько, что в интернете опять появляются слухи по АоСу - бывалые участники вспоминают, как в прошлом году была волна слухов про Соулблайт фракцию (Вампиров). Легенда гласит, что однажды он бывал в одном из магазинов ГВ, где общался с менеджером, который сказал, что в районе конца 2020/начала 2021 выйдет армия, связанная с Соулблайтом, и в недалёком будущем армия с большими юнитами (но на тот момент, Гигантов уже показывали, значит он либо говорил о части какой-то другой фракции, либо придумывает на ходу). 2) Далее, вчера обновились рестрикты для Бистгрейва - кое-что ушло в бан, кое-что ограничили, а кое-что обновили (какой же я умелый новостник). Не ну реально, если вы постоянный игрок турнирных форматов, то это обязательно к ознакомлению: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2020/06/18/katophrane-chronicle-forsaken-and-restricted-updatesgw-homepage-post-2/ 3) Очередной пост Варкома с Бэком Люминетов - в целом всё тоже самое что и ранее, только теперь более детализированная история Эльфов в Хише - о том как они научились с помощью Эфир-кварца (камень) ловить свет, том как это повлияло на из БЕЗЭМОЦИОНАЛЬНОСТЬ и втопило гашетку ЧСВ на полную, а там где ЧСВ и перфекционизм, там и до раскола и гражданской войны недалеко. После чего они естественно снова стали добычей Слаанеш - ну никогда такого не было и вот. В общем, учитывая, что Батлтом уже протекает в сеть - проще дождаться выходных и самим всё прочитать в книге, чем ловить обрывки с варкома. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2020/06/18/lumineth-realm-lords-the-loregw-homepage-post-1/ "Lumineth Realm-lords – The Lore Just where do the Lumineth Realm-lords come from? What’s the source of their power? How did they get such magnificent headwear? Today, ahead of the release of the new Army Set, we’re looking to answer your burning lore questions with a brief look at the history of these inhabitants of Hysh… In the Beginning Like much in Warhammer Age of Sigmar, the story of the Lumineth Realm-lords begins in the Age of Myth – that lost, legendary era where gods and monsters bestrode the Mortal Realms. The Lumineth Realm-lords were created by Tyrion and Teclis, the aelven gods of light, and champions of the world-that-was, following their capture of Slaanesh – you can read more about that in our previous look at Lumineth lore. The Creation of the Lumineth Together, the gods of the aelves would create a variety of new aelven races, each intended to surpass the glories of Ulthuan and Naggaroth of old. Some, like the Idoneth, were forsaken, wretched creatures, soul-scarred by their imprisonment within Slaanesh. Others, like the Daughters of Khaine, bore strange and shadowy new abilities. The most stable of the aelven races, however, were the Lumineth. As Tyrion and Teclis drew more souls from Slaanesh, they found their abilities enhanced, capable of recreating aelves that were whole and hale. Lumineth – proud pioneers, warriors and artisans – were created in vast number. However, in their eagerness for companionship, Tyrion and Teclis had ignored the darkness at the heart of their new creations. The Rise of the Lumineth The Lumineth quickly spread across the Ten Paradises of Hysh, forging empires and taming the Realm of Light through magic. The Lumineth became masters of all things metaphysical, ascending the Teclian Ladder – a philosophy where mastery of the physical and spiritual self is paramount. Aetherquartz The discovery of aetherquartz would lead the Lumineth to even greater heights – and, eventually, their downfall. By using specially prepared crystals to capture the prismatic beams of light that criss-cross Hysh, the Lumineth found that they could stabilise and preserve the illuminating effects of their realm. Aetherquartz could be used to perform astonishing mental and physical feats, and soon, it became an obsession for the Lumineth, who began to make prodigious use of this incredible new resource. Once used, the aetherquartz would no longer contain illuminating light but emotions taken from the user – the “spent” crystals would then be stored in the chasm-city of Cathartia. Ultimately, the power of aetherquartz would prove intoxicating for the aelven psyche, accentuating their already impressive pride and drive towards perfection to dangerous levels… The Spirefall Driven by the power offered by aetherquartz, the Lumineth soon began to compete with each other, pushing themselves in an attempt to best their peers. Taller and taller spires were built, spells of incredible destructive might were wrought and rivalries flared. As Tyrion and Teclis attended to matters away from Hysh, the aelves of the Ten Paradises sought to denigrate their new rivals, accusing one another of daemonic influence and, in the matter of a few short weeks, descending into full-blown war. Ironically, this outburst of passions, pride and obsession would allow the daemons of Slaanesh ingress into Hysh, the vastly destructive wars of the Lumineth paving the way for the truly apocalyptic Age of Chaos. When the dust settled, only a few enclaves of Lumineth remained amid the ruins of their shattered empire, the survivors preserved by the military genius of Tyrion. However, Teclis was nowhere to be seen… The Rise of the Realm-lords Ultimately, Teclis would be the salvation of the Lumineth. Allying himself with the ancient spirit known as Celennar, Teclis would return to Hysh with the secrets to bonding with the realm itself. Temples were founded to the aelementiri – the elemental spirits of the Hysh – based around tenets of humility and self-sacrifice. Aelves gained new elemental abilities, such as the Alarith, who could turn their skin to stone to emulate the mountains of their realm. Together, step by bloody step, the Lumineth would repel the forces of Chaos in the Wars of Reinvention, emerging from this conflict as the Realm-lords – creatures attuned to their natural world. The Age of Sigmar What happened next? What do the rest of the pantheon of Order make of all this? You’ll have to get your own battletome to find out! Pre-order your copy in the Lumineth Realm-lords Army Set this weekend, and check back tomorrow for another preview. All this lore got you itching to start an army? Check out our rules preview to see how they play. "

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