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Старый ламповый фонарь Warhammer 40000 40k
2020-07-04 02:55:59
#News_LampPost #Pre_orderGW #AoS #Blood_bowl Прееееееееееееееееедзаказы - предзаказики! Уникальный случай, когда вместо солянки с пропущенными на днях статьями, по-не-хайповым-системам, их можно прикрепить сюда - в традиционные предзаказики. ГХБ2020! Оно же Генеральское руководство для АоСа 2020 года. В предыдущих статьях анонсировали специальную систему Кузница Апофеоза/Anvil of Apotheosis в которой можно вырастить своего уникального персонажа и даже сделать ему свой варскрол с правилами. Специальные вторичные задания, которые вы выбираете сами в зависимости от противника(где-то я это уже слышал...) Ну и куча-куча разных мелких приятностей, полный список содержимого: "Inside this year’s softback General’s Handbook, you'll find… The Player’s Code – a set of guidelines to follow, ensuring that each player has a fun and rewarding experience. New Open Play Rules: - Skies of Slaughter – Take the fight to the air with high-flying battles amidst the clouds. These rules were previously published in White Dwarf, including five battleplans (called Skybattles), new warscrolls for using flying monsters and engines of war in Skies of Slaughter, and campaigns to link your games together. - Open War Coalition Battle Generator – Play multiplayer games, with each side split into teams. You'll fight alongside your teammates to win, but each player also has their own secondary agenda to complete. The new suite of rules and random generator tables will ensure no two games are the same. New Narrative Play Rules: - The Whisper Engine – Battle for control of a map in a linked campaign between 4 to 7 players. - Team Battle Special Rules – Expanded rules let you play games with more than 2 players, specially designed to work with Whisper Engine campaigns – including rules for using a neutral Games Master! - Coalition of Death – Use the Team Battle rules and this set of 3 battleplans to create memorable multiplayer experiences. - The Anvil of Apotheosis – Create a bespoke Hero to lead your armies, conquer the Mortal Realms, and carve a name for themselves. New Matched Play Rules: - Updated Pitched Battles for the 2020 season – Get guidance on army size, points limits, battlefield roles, allied units, warscroll battalions and more, essential for tournament play. - 12 Pitched Battle battleplans – Mix up your games with a new set of strategic challenges. - Meeting Engagements – Play fast, balanced games on small-sized battlefields designed to provide all the thrills of matched play in less than 90 minutes, including six new Meeting Engagement battleplans and suggested tournament rules. - Pitched Battle Coalition of Death – Play two-on-two games for one-off battles or tournament use. - Coalition Matrix – This chart breaks down the interaction between all 24 of the existing factions within Warhammer Age of Sigmar. Some armies make for better allies! - Realm of Battle Rules – Discover rules to represent each of the Mortal Realms in your games, including potent artefacts of the realms and Realmsphere Magic - Matched Play Auxiliary Objectives – Check out 18 new and updated objectives for the 2020 season. PLUS: - Conquest Unbound – Find tournament packs for Pitched Battles, Meeting Engagements, Coalition of Death, and Team Format Battles. - Open War Army and Terrain Generators – Challenge yourself with a randomly generated army on a randomly generated battlefield! Let the story write itself. - Pitched Battle Profiles – This separate, 32-page booklet contains pitched battle points values, unit sizes and battlefield roles for the units you can use in games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar, as well as scenery, endless spells, Compendium and Forge World models." https://www.warhammer-community.com/2020/07/03/the-generals-handbook-2020-building-your-heroes/ https://www.warhammer-community.com/2020/07/02/generals-handbook-matched-play/ Соответственно новая книга ГХБ 2020 35 долларов, а варлорд эдишн 75 долларов: 35 (75)$ https://www.games-workshop.com/en-NZ/Generals-Handbook-Warlord-Edition-2020 И далее Бладбоул! Ребята долго ждали - и вот хоть какие-то обновки - новый апдейт предлагает 2 смешанные команды, новое поле , а также колоду Альянсов Старого Мира. Пока что, никаких новых миниатюр показанных в апреле - не выпустили. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2020/07/02/the-best-of-both-worlds/ Команда - Ползущие подземники (или около того) смесь скавенов и гоблинов - 42$ https://www.games-workshop.com/en-NZ/Blood-Bowl-The-Underworld-Creepers-2020 Команда - Миденхеймские костоломы, смесь людей, гномов и хоббитов - 42$ https://www.games-workshop.com/en-NZ/Blood-Bowl-Middenheim-Maulers-Team-2020 Девятй номер журнала Спайк! (с обновлениями и текущими новостями по Бладбоулу) - 15$ https://www.games-workshop.com/en-NZ/Spike-Journal-Issue-9-EN-2020 Ну и новое поле для предыдущих двух команд (двусторонее) - 47$ https://www.games-workshop.com/en-NZ/Blood-Bowl-Old-World-And-Underworld-Pitch-2020 А на этом мы завершаем наш перерыв на не-40к новости и возвращаемся на поезд хайпа новой редакции 40к.

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