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Старый ламповый фонарь Warhammer 40000 40k
2019-04-19 13:16:21
#News_LampPost #Nightvault Топ-10 нейтральных карт из новых наборов Найтволта 10 - Апгрейд, боец не получает урона от атак со значением дамага 1 (до модификаторов), только если не выкинули критический успех 9 - Спелл на одной молнии. Скаттеришь один от любого гекса и боец в итоговом гексе инспайрится. 8 - Апгрейд 1 2 молотка 2 дамага с Отталкиванием 2. 7 - Апгрейд, даёт вам следующую реакцию - после получения дамага от вражеского бойца или от вражеского гамбита если боец остался живым вы можете взять одну карту силы (power card) 6 - Гамбит. Выбираете гекс в 3 гексах от бойца, скаттерите 1 от него, кидаете куб и если выкинете молоток или крит, то все стоящие вплотную к итоговому гексу или в нем получают один дамаг 5 - Апгрейд для мага. Если он заинспайрен, то вы получаете +1 куб на каст 4 - Миссия. Получаете мгновенно 1 монетку, если ща одну фазу сделаете три активации или заюзаете карты (в сумме) которые скаттерите 3 - Миссия. Получаете 1 монетку, если в конце фазы все ваши живые бойцы в конце стоят в одной группе, то есть у каждого есть хоть один рядом. Если остался один - нельзя выполнить. 2 - Гамбит. Выбираете своего и вражеского бойца, держащих точки и меняете из местами 1 - Гамбит. Хиляет на один всех, кто продамажен. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2019/04/19/warhammer-underworlds-the-top-10-new-universal-cardsgw-homepage-post-4/ "Warhammer Underworlds: The Top 10 New Universal Cards The new Warhammer Underworlds warband expansions are packed with Universal cards usable by any warband, and are sure to shake up the competitive scene! To give you an edge on the competition, and to help you start planning your latest deadly deck, we’re running through 10 that every player needs to see… There’s nothing worse than watching a key fighter like Gurzag Ironskull or Magore Redhand winnowed down by repeated and tiny attacks. Luckily, Reinforced Armour makes you immune to such attritional strategies! By casting this spell into a cluster of allies, you’ll be able to quickly give your warband an edge in battle. Just make sure not to accidentally Inspire your foe… Sometimes, you really, really just need an opponent to go away – that’s where the Hammer of Scorn comes in. With a frankly ridiculous Knockback of 2, this weapon can easily send foes flying into lethal terrain or into the midst of your favourite fighters. Enemy trying to slay your favourite fighter? Make them pay by drawing extra power cards when they do so! While there’s a chance that this deadly ploy might not work, the results are well worth the risk. If you’re coming up against horde warbands like Zarbag’s Gitz and the Sepulchral Guard, this is the perfect way to clear them out. Well of Power is a crucial card for magic-based decks. By offering you an additional dice, you’ll significantly increase your chances of casting any given spell, turning powerful but difficult-to-cast choices into much more attractive propositions. If you love cards with Scatter effects, make sure to grab this objective – the perfect way to reward yourself for your love of randomness… While it requires some careful positioning, United is a fantastic way to generate some early glory for your warband and is a great pick in defensive decks, particularly Thundrik’s Profiteers and Steelheart’s Champions. Shifting Reflection can quickly wreak havoc on more passive opponents with a deadly one-two punch. Combine this with a powerful fighter like Mollog or Fjul-Grimnir, and you’ll be able to simultaneously pull an enemy out of position and drop your deadliest fighter right into the midst of their territory! This one is a game changer! Lifesurge has a place in pretty any deck thanks to its incredible healing capabilities. As it’ll heal your rivals, it’s a risky card to play, but used at the right moment, can allow you to swing the momentum of a game right back in your favour. Get these cards in the Ylthari’s Guardians and Thundrik’s Profiteers warband expansions, available to pre-order this weekend, and let us know how you’ll be using them in your decks on the Warhammer Underworlds Facebook page."

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