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Старый ламповый фонарь Warhammer 40000 40k
2020-07-05 17:12:15
#News_lampPost #Warhammer40k #Next_week Самый ожидаемый некст-вик года господа! Анонс двухнедельного предзаказа 9-й редакции с набором Индомитус! Уже в следующую субботу, 11 июля, можно будет кидать деньги в монитор и на сайт ГВ: Самый главный тортик на этой вишенке конечно же Индомитус. ГВ заявляет, что у коробки всего один тираж и поэтому НАГНЕТАЕТ необходимость брать коробку как видите. Но с другой стороны, они же, уже говорили, что хотя оно и ограничено, но коробок сделали очень дофига и всем должно хватить (да ещё и с ограничением не более 6 коробок в одни руки). Так или иначе, но после этой коробки, обязательно должен появиться классический стартер (а то и несколько, для каждого уровня покупателей) Следом, то без чего не обходится ни одна редакция - базовая книга правил - она же рулбук. При этом обложка из Индомитуса немного отличается от дефолтной (собственно там просто без титульных надписей) А там где новый рулбук, там и его ограниченная версия в эксклюзивном исполнении и более качественной печатью. (Примечательно, что на штампе с порядковым номером (1 из 2000) стоит надпись Эра Индомитус) Далее - важное дополнение для турнирно-соревновательных игр - Чаптер аппрувд Гранд торнамент 2020 и Муниторум филд мэньюал - в первом даны рекомендации и мишн-пак для турниров, во втором обновление очков для всех юнитов. Поэтому, в общем, это тоже обязательная штука. И остались совсем дополнительные материалы - новое картонное игровое поле для размера комбат пэтрол, а на двух таких полях можно играть в игры на 2000 очков. Карточки Оупен вор для соответствующего формата игры (обновление под 9-ку) , линеечка-мандилочка для замера 5х2х1 дюймов, журнал-блокнт для Крусейда, чемоданчик для переноски моделей и 4(3) новые краски - базовый Рунлорд Брасс, лессировочный Каноптек эллой, тени Криптек армор глоу и техническая Тессеракт глоу. Цены в долларах США можно посмотреть тут https://vk.com/wall-178573908_85021 https://www.warhammer-community.com/2020/07/05/sunday-preview-join-the-crusade/ "Sunday Preview: Join the Crusade Indomitus is nigh. On July 11th, the best Warhammer 40,000 boxed set EVER MADE goes on pre-order, kicking off a new era of incredible adventures in the 41st Millennium. Mark your calendar – this box is limited in stock, and once it’s gone, it’s gone. It’s going to be a great weekend – and Indomitus is just part of it. Today, we’re looking at what you’ll be able to grab at launch! However you like to play, we’ve got something for you… First though, here’s This Week In Warhammer with the headlines. Indomitus Indomitus is a phenomenal set. The culmination of some of the best work our miniatures, rules, lore and art teams have ever made, this box takes everything that makes Warhammer 40,000 incredible and puts it in one place. Two huge collections of amazing, brand-new models are packaged with the full Core Book – everything a 40K hobbyist needs to hit the ground running in the new edition. Indomitus is limited, but, in expectation of high demand, we’ve made absolutely loads of boxes. As an additional measure to ensure that every faithful fan gets their copy, we’ve limited orders to 6 sets. So, if you want to have over 5,000 points of new Necrons on launch day, we’ve got your back, while also giving you a better chance at securing your set. The Core Book Warhammer 40,000 rulebooks are treasured tomes. They’re not just repositories of rules, but rich grimoires that players keep forever. We bet you still remember your first! The Core Book is your complete guide to the new edition, containing reams and reams of incredible lore and art that bring the Era Indomitus to life. Plus, it contains the rules – and we mean a LOT of rules. As well as the basic tenets required to play a game, you’ll find expansion content for open, matched and narrative play, along with tips and army showcases to help you get started. A version of the Core Book is included in the Indomitus boxed set, making this a great tome to pick up if you’re splitting the set with a friend! The Limited Edition Core Book It’s not every day you launch a new edition of the world’s best sci-fi wargame. To celebrate the dawn of a new era for Warhammer 40,000, our team has produced a gorgeous limited edition featuring cloth binding, gilt edges and some truly stunning cover art. Strictly limited to only 2,000 copies, this is your way to commemorate this Monumental moment in Warhammer history. Open War Cards Open War Cards are the secret weapon for gamers who are hunting for awesome, fresh missions that’ll both challenge and delight. Draw up your cards, randomise your missions and ensure no game is ever the same with countless possible combinations! Chapter Approved Chapter Approved, or to give it it’s glorious full title, “Warhammer 40,000 Chapter Approved: Grand Tournament 2020 Mission Pack and Munitorum Field Manual” is your gateway to awesome matched play games. We’ve re-engineered Chapter Approved this year to be purely about matched play, giving you a host of new content for Grand Tournaments, as well as new missions Incursion and Strike Force engagements. Additionally, Chapter Approved comes with the 2020 Munitorum Field Manual, a massive update that brings every army’s points into line with the new edition of the game. Crusade Journal Every army tells a story – what will yours be? The Crusade Journal is designed to be the ideal companion to your journey through narrative play in the 41st Millennium. As you play Crusade games, your forces will grow, change and develop, and this journal will let you track them, making for both an invaluable reference book, and a permanent record of your games. Battlezone: Manufactorum – Battlefield Get your table game-ready in minutes with these durable card battlefield tiles! Simply unfold and combine, and you’ve got an appropriately war-torn place to fight, particularly when combined with some scenery. This set is perfect for playing Combat Patrol or Incursion games, but grab two of them, and you’ll have a large enough play area for a 2000 point Strike Force game! Gaming Accessories Also available at launch is a selection of essential gaming accessories – a combat gauge for those key mini-measurements, and a themed carrying case! These will only be available while stocks last, so make sure to grab them while you can. Your Phalanx Made Easy Love the new Szarekhan Dynasty Necron colour scheme but don’t know how to replicate it yourself? Some superb new paints are entering the range next weekend, making getting your legion Battle Ready easy. From rich metallics to vibrant technicals, these paints aren’t just for Necron players but anyone looking to upgrade their collection. We’ll also be releasing a spray version of Runelord Brass later in the year – so keep an eye out for it!"

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