Эта запись была опубликована на стене группы "Старый ламповый фонарь Warhammer 40000 40k" 2020-08-22 13:21:49.

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Старый ламповый фонарь Warhammer 40000 40k
2020-08-22 13:21:49
#news_lampPost #Studio_preview #warhammer40k А вот это уже приятная неожиданность - Хексмарк Дестроер некронов. Та самая минька в тенях за Монолитом, на известном скриншоте. У паренька 6-а сила на пистолетах. Попадает на 2+, реролит 1. Кроме того он персонаж и умеет выцеливать персонажей. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2020/08/22/warhammer-preview-online-shadow-iron-broken-realms/ "2:20 pm – The Ultimate Six Shooter What has six arms and six guns, and will be joining Necron armies everywhere soon? This guy. The Hexmark Destroyer is a Deathmark who has fallen to the Destroyer curse and wants nothing other than to kill absolutely everything around it. While other Destroyers fly around with massive cannons or scuttle forward with phase blades, the Hexmark Destroyer takes the Deathmarks’ propensity for surprise attacks to epic levels. They burst from their dimensional oubliettes, the corrupted Destroyer engrams targeting and dispatching nearby enemies in a hail of enmitic disintegrator fire. This new Destroyer will make a fun and deadly (very deadly) addition to your Necrons, as well as looking immensely cool. Keep an eye (or 7) out for it shortly after the codex launches in October."

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