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Virginia Bēowulf · English Studies
2023-03-18 10:00:15
• It’s a Sicilian message. It means Luca Brasi sleeps with the FISHES. В общем, в школе говорили, что FISH нельзя ставить в форму -S. Много рыб – не MANY FISHES, а MANY FISH. (Ну, и что-то там добавляли про виды рыб). Если уж спать с рыбами, то логичнее – SLEEP WITH THE FISH… Тем временем все кому не лень ставят FISH во мн. число: • If wishes were FISHES, we’d all swim in riches. == 1. Сразу. В школе в общем-то всё сказали правильно. FISH – слово без окончания -S во мн. числе: • I bought THREE FISH at the grocery store to keep them as pets. FISHES – это уже (естественно) про разные виды рыб: • Actually, I bought TWO FISHES: two carp and one bream. Всё легко и просто: 2 карпа + 1 лещ = 3 FISH 2 карпа + 1 лещ = 2 FISHES Делайте так на Айелтсе и будете молодцом. == 2. Теперь как там у живых людей. Сначала у вечно живых: • ‘I marvel how the FISHES live in the sea.’ ‘Why, as men do a-land; the great ones eat up the little ones.’ [W. Shakespeare, Pericles, Act II, Scene 1] В истории о чуде с хлебами и рыбами – THE STORY OF THE LOAVES AND FISHES: • There is a lad here, which hath five barley loaves, and two small FISHES: but what are they among so many? [The KJV Bible, John 6:9] И в другой оттуда же: • And they had a few small FISHES: and he blessed, and commanded to set them also before them. [The KJV Bible, Mark 8:7] • And when they had this done, they inclosed a great multitude of FISHES: and their net brake. [The KJV Bible, Luke 5:6] 3. …И у наших современников: • The stars in the Pisces constellation were associated with a fish (or TWO FISHES) by many ancient Middle East civilizations. Its vast bulk was viewed as a distant pair of FISHES connected by one cord. A bright star midway between the TWO FISHES represents the knot. • “Cross the water, cross the sea. / Let them FISHES carry me. / And if them FISHES take too long, / Carry me on, carry me on.” - канадская поэтесса Trisha Pope. Так что не слишком удивляйтесь, если услышите что-то вроде: • I have THREE FISHES in my tank: Huey, Dewey, and Louie. – вместо привычного: • I have THREE FISH in my tank: Huey, Dewey, and Louie. ...И в целом, судите сами, как к этому относиться.

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