Эта запись была опубликована на стене группы "Virginia Bēowulf · English Studies" 2016-12-20 17:06:18.

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Virginia Bēowulf · English Studies
2016-12-20 17:06:18
- Everyone's always “overwhelmed” or “underwhelmed” but never just “whelmed”. 1. Понятия «недо-» и «пере-» чаще всего передаются по вертикальной оси: UNDER / OVER: - I’m afraid the chicken is slightly undercooked. – Yes, it’s still clucking; - We're all overworked and underpaid; - A South African researcher suggests that dolphins' intelligence has been overestimated. (They’re dumb!); - His boss says he's under-performing (not doing as well as he should); 2. То же самое про недостаточное / меньшее количество чего-либо, например, лет: - We finished the project in under a year and a half; - The child weighed under five kilos; - When asked if Wall Street would accept a young Mark Zuckerberg in his early 20s as CEO, Facebook investor Peter Thiel said: “Well, we’ll wait until he’s over 25 to file”; - How can you allow your daughter to read Virginia Woolf? She’s underage!

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