Эта запись была опубликована на стене группы "Virginia Bēowulf · English Studies" 2018-03-03 17:45:21.

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Virginia Bēowulf · English Studies
2018-03-03 17:45:21
BREAKING NEWS Союзы AS и THAN могут выступать в роли подлежащего. И не сказать, что у них не получается. • IT HAPPENED the last time they tried. • They were both late for their own wedding, AS HAPPENED the last time they tried. • PEOPLE WANT them. • The Prez says we have opportunities for as many people AS WANT them. • IT IS bearable. • She talks more THAN IS bearable. • THEY SHOWED UP a week ago. • We’ve had a few more visitors THAN SHOWED UP a week ago. И устойчивые выражения с этим безобразием, конечно. AS FOLLOWS – следующим образом • Welcome to the Villain Club! Here’s our evil strategy to take over the world, as follows. • In order to make the world a better place, you must act as follows. AS IS/WAS THE CASE WITH – как (обычно) бывает/как и произошло с • She’s still waiting for her Prince Charming, as is often the case with teenage girls. The trouble is, she’s 47. • As is often the case with blabbermouths, he won’t keep a single promise he made. AS IS WELL-KNOWN – как известно • As is well-known, Chihuahuas mainly consist of trembling and hate. • As is well-known, shorter people tend to suffer from the Napoleon complex. AS WAS AGREED – как и договаривались • They put on their masks and got out of the car at 10 sharp, as was agreed. But it was Sunday and the bank was closed. • As was agreed, he sold his Royce for fifty quid and gave his ex-wife the half she claimed. AS WAS EXPECTED – как и ожидалось • As was expected, in real life she turned out to be a bit older, fatter and less intelligent than was claimed by her Facebook profile page. • As was expected, the turn-up rate was slightly exaggerated by the media.

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